Wednesday, January 25, 2006

World Economic Forum

The World Economic Forum got underway today in Davos, Switzerland. The forum participants have selected the following questions as the focus of the conference:

- How can China and India maintain sustainable development and manage the environment?

-What immediate steps are needed to address climate change in a changing economic landscape?
- On changing mindsets and attitudes, how can we create a global educational framework that fosters inclusivity?

- In creating future jobs, how should education systems be designed to respond to changing skills requirements?

- On regional identities and struggles: What should be done to close income disparity? How should instability in the Middle East be managed? From the World Economic Forum Website

It is interesting to note that all of these are questions of more of public than economic policy. That is to say that all require some kind of government response.

These questions will be worthy of discussion in our economics class.

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