Monday, November 13, 2017

Dusting Off the Old Blog

It seems like most blogs have a post in them somewhere in which the blogger makes groveling apologies for neglecting it. This is one of those.

I pushed back from the blogging table a couple years ago as I became concerned that I was overwhelming students with too many posts (which were being assigned as course readings).

Then along came Trump and all the oxygen got sucked out of the daily news cycle. I didn't want to be constantly commenting on or fact-checking Trump, but I was nevertheless caught up in exactly that.

But now I am pushing past that and trying to get back on track. As part of that effort, I have established a Facebook page at  This will constitute my frontpage, if you will, and I will be posting links to and comments on news items there.

This blog will continue to function as place for me to, as the name implies, think out loud about various issues in IR. In particular, I am going to be discussing the link between identity driven behavior and populism. Of course, other topics are likely to come up as well. 

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